Tuesday, May 22, 2012

900 North Hill Repeat

Jason's schedule for today had hill repeats and mine was to be 800 meter intervals. So we compromised and did 800 meter hills. Here are the stats:

Total distance - 5.75
WU - 1.35 mile, 9:26 avg pace, 157 avg HR.
#1 - .48 mile, 8:41 avg pace, 172 avg HR.
Rest - .49 mile, 10:02 avg pace, 162 avg HR.
#2 - .48 mile, 8:55 avg pace, 175 avg HR.
Rest - .49 mile, 10:02 avg pace, 164 avg HR
#3 - .48 mile, 8:45 avg pace, 178 avg HR.
Rest - .50 mile, 10:56 avg pace, 164 avg HR.
#4 - .47 mile, 8:39 avg pace, 177 avg HR.
*Finish - .99 mile, 10:35 avg pace, 170 avg HR.

*included short but steep hill on 1200 N.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Recovery Bike

For a strang reason I couldn't get out of bed this morning... So I meet Jason after work and we went on a bike drive. We only had an hour, thank goodness, because Ian had a game at 7. Jason told me to stay at a 140 HR on this ride. We actually rode the same course we ran on sat. So much fun to be on the bike again. My friend Mahagani has asked me to do some of her bike rides this year so I am going to get a few girls to bike regular ride during the week.

Distance - 14.25
Avg pace - 13.7 mph
Avg HR - 133

Saturday Long Run

Started out the morning an hour late. We got out the door at 8:00 and headed out the same loop as the week before. Jason was scheduled for 2 1/2 hours so this fit in with my 16 I planned. We started out on the hills first because I like to get those out of the way, I watched my heart rate and tried to keep it below 170 until we hit suncrest. I made it up most of suncrest below 180 and peaked at 184. I had trouble getting my heart rate back down to 170 through the rollers. We headed back towards Highland and AF and settled back into my rythum.

Distance - 15.50
Avg pace - 9:49
Avg HR - 175

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Track Workout

Went out this morning close to 5:30 am. Jason and I headed down to the High School to do our track workout. We normally run on the Jr. High track because it literally is over the fence of the backyard. But I always want to run at the High School because it is such a better track.

It is about 1.25 mile to the track so we used the run as our warm up. It was still dark and the track didn't have any lights on. I stopped just for a second to have Jason show me how to turn the light on the watch so I could keep track of my pace. I ran the same workout last Wed except at the Jr. High and it was 7ish in the evening. I did not have HR on last weeks run. I wanted to see the stats side by side because I did not think I ran well this morning.

Warm Up19:3211:02
1N/A3:35183 HR
23:343:36185 HR
33:32*3:40184 HR
43:333:36185 HR
53:32**3:39183 HR
RI HR was in zone 3, last RI HR in zone 2

There could be a few reasons for the slower paces this morning.
  1. Today was a morning run and I have run in the evenings for the last 9 months.(that is why my consistancy is so bad, lots of distractions)
  2. I did not have a pacer. Last week Jason kept me on pace and this week he had a 5 mile test. I definatly do better with a pacer, this is a weakness in my running that needs attention.
  3. I am 3-4 days from starting my cycle. Ugh...
I wanted to get this down as record so I can see how this changes when I get back to 800's again in a few weeks.

* This lap I did not look at the watch to track my pace at all. I just went off feel.
** I almost didn't do this lap, when I told that to Jason he said "you can do it." so I was like, "ok" and went and did it. Happy I did even though the time was on the slow side.

Monday, April 23, 2012

4 Mile Recovery

Because of inconsistency and lack of improvement to my running, I have redeticated myself to my heart rate training. I will run 3 recovery runs a week, anywhere between 4-6 miles. I will also run one day of interval training, one tempo run, and one long run.

I sat down with Jason last night and recalculated my HR zones. Keeping my Max HR @ 194 and figuring my resting HR @ 55. This gave me a base aerobic zone from 155-165.

I got up this morning at 5:00 am and went out to run the 4 mile loop. I only looked at HR and tried to stay in good form and maintain a high cadence. The tempature was pleasant and I could smell lilacs everywhere. It made me think of my mother, which is another reason I enjoyed this morning's run.

Distance - 4.18
Avg Pace - 11:24
HR - 159